Boehner’s decision to invite Netanyahu to address Congress without first consulting the sitting president has no precedent in American history. Because it’s unconstitutional. The Constitution says that the president “shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers” from foreign governments.

  1. President's often do that. The Emancipation Proclamation comes to mind.
  2. That was a sting operation that went wrong. Definitely a fuck up of the DOJ operation but not unconstitutional.
  3. Executives are allowed discretion I thought, like police.
  4. Delays the republican party demanded and are now bitching about.
  5. They didn't say his recess appointments were unconstitutional but declaring the senate out of session to do it was. The choose if they're in session or not, not the president. Chicanery that only happened because all his appointments were getting blocked.
  6. That's lack of law enforcement not unconstitutional presidential actions.
  7. Yea that's fucked up. That's one thing R's could nail him for but don't because he used drones to do it and the expanded drone program has bipartisan support. Only Rand Paul and few others ever even mention it.
  8. Lol, what?! Even if that was true, and it isn't, he wouldn't be the first president to support terrorists or groups that later turned into terrorists.
  9. That's an accusation not something proven otherwise they'd be sharing a prison cell.
  10. Obama had nothing to do with that and those groups deserved to be audited. There was a significant increase in applications for various tax exempt status after Obama won in 2008. Some while having websites in which they were engaging in electioneering, which is illegal if you have tax exempt status. The IRS noticed and audited them, that's how they work. They look for oddities and audit them. Some of them were liberal groups as well, and actually were the only ones where charges were filed.

and on and on

I'm sure /s

I'm not a party sack rider. I hate that Obama has essentially ramped up everything wrong with the Bush administration. And actually a good example of allowing the other guy to do stuff is the Patriot act. That is a terrible law that undermines the 4th amendment enacted by the Bush admin and Obama made it permanent. Now everyone wants to bitch about NSA spying and put it all on him.

Obama isn't even my guy, but he definitely better than McCain or Romney would have done. Romney straight up admitted he gives up on the 47% of people who disagree with him calling them takers dependent on gov't. And McCain was have us at war with every nation in the middle east except for Israel.

Obama ain't perfect but he's better than the people the Republicans nominated. He's essentially the lesser of 2 evils.

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