Can someone explain why it tends to be young, white men who have libertarian beliefs.

That's a really terrible article that barely supports your claim, and even then it is insufficient:

  1. Integration did NOT start in 1865. The author is literally saying one undefined variable, "integration," is responsible for societal wealth disparities. This is just stupid.

  2. The white family structure was was "collapsing" at a comparable rate as well. So unless the author thinks "integration," made whites not marry...

  3. Well this is just flat wrong. White unemployment in 1954 was not zero (seriously?) it was 5.5% while the black unemployment rate was 9.9%. The author's point still stands, but he is ignoring major contributing factors like offshoring, government austerity, and most importantly, the war on drugs. All had horrific effects on black unemployment.

  4. Agreed!

  5. What were rates like before integration? The author never provides them.

the black community would have had more time to establish and build a economic base while integration happened at a more natural pace.

They literally had over a hundred years to flourish, yet racist practices by both private citizens and state governments restricted them. Your idea is "well keep segregating them, they'll eventually get better"? Can't you see why this type of libertarianism would be absolutely abhorrent to somebody experiencing racist violence? "Too bad, so sad, just wait!"

This might, in turn, have acted as a bulwark against the effects of white flight and prevented the current quagmire of black urban poverty that currently plagues us.

Or we could implement policies that stop this capital flight, rather than coddle racists and bigots in the hope that they'll play nice. I hope you see why black folks would be trend away from your ideology for these reasons.

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