Canadians offer to let the West Coast join Canada

Yeah! That sounds great let's just turn our backs on our country! I mean what kind of a country is this anyway if the wrong candidate wins a fair election! I disagree with half the population so fuck them all! Racist fascist pigs! And I'm sure the United States would be perfectly happy to peacefully hand over a few states. I mean who needs em right? Canada is a utopia where everyone lives perfect happy lives and free speech is totally aloud! Plus it's way easier than trying to change this country and the last time a few states left the Union we had a big fun party and everyone lived happily ever after! Why not try that again! Yup there's just no other way. Obviously we don't have a constitution or limits on government power, and obviously the whole country is basically NAZI Germany. So all the minorities are gonna be locked up in internment camps and no one will object to it. Yes, I'm afraid glorious Canada is our only hope for salvation! All hail the almighty progressive agenda and all its moral superiority! I feel so much better about myself for being so brave and strong because I know I stand on the right side of history! Now everyone upvote me for being so brave in saying something extreme and progressive. Come join the leftist circle jerk called r/politics where anyone who agrees with us is welcome to join the discussion!

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