Cannot get belly fat off?

Belly fat us a problem for me too. Here's what I've been doing.

First, I don't do any cardio. None. I lift weights and that is my resistance cardio. Short rests, medium to heavy sets, so my time under tension is high overall for a given workout. I'd avoid bench press if you're just starting out as your shoulders need developing in order to carry a heavy enough weight to see gains in muscle structure. So? Start with basic muscle building exercises that use multiple groups. One of my favourites is standing dumbell curl to grind. Too light and you don't gain. Too heavy and you'll damage your arms. Get used to the motions, and it'll feel natural in no time.

If you must do cardio, I like short blasts of cardio on rest days. Run the length of a park field full blast. Stop, then plank for 30s, then do push ups. Do 4 more times. Burpees are awesome as well. Whole body gets a work out, and your heart pumps like crazy. The main point from all this is steady state cardio helps your heart work efficiently, but doesn't burn much fat. Afterburner cardio (think of interval cardio without the slow periods) causes you to burn more calories during rest. Hence why I get my cardio from weights. It's short bursts, my muscles work and my breathing is heavy.

If you're not doing push ups yet, start. Even if they're from your knees, do them. Works your chest and the more time under tension, the more your heart pumps. Slowly build the forearms, which will lead to bicep work, then to shoulder days. That will help you bench weight so your chest can build.

My workouts didn't mean much until I started a leg day. Front and reverse lunges, squats, leg extensions, calf raises, and hamstring curls. If you can easily walk after, you need to add more weight. Leg workouts release more growth hormone than other muscle groups, which is what you want to burn fat.

When I first started, I easily ate under 1500 calories a day and I was probably pushing 400lb. Cut back on dairy, ate a whack of fresh fruits and veggies in smoothies and juice, and a lot of lean protein. The fat stores came off quickly for me. I had better posture, I walked better, I didn't slide my feet in the floor. What you read about it being a marathon is completely true. Don't damage your joints, gradually increase weight, get the cardio from lifting weights, and you'll see improvements.

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