Why can't I change!?!?!?!

I'm sorry someone hurt you so badly it made you feel this way, people can be absolute assholes and take advantage of our feelings. I was hurt and angry like you were more than a year ago, I was SO angry and thought it would never stop. I wanted the guy who hurt me to experience my pain and feel as traumatised as he made me feel, and as mocked. Its horrible that there are people out there who want to take advantage of us, when all we did was try our best to love them. And things hurt us longer than it will hurt them especially if they are emotionless robots.

You are lovable and date-able I promise you, I absolutely promise you that you are worth it and deserve love and respect. You're just hurting a lot right now. its just that you've gone through hell, and it might take a bit longer to get out all the anger and understand what made this happen, and finding the help you need, because it can be confusing for us and our family/therapists to figure out what will help us out.

Sorry I know it all seems hopeless right now, but I just wanted to let you know that I went through all this and thought there was no way to end it all but there is, you've just got to persist and keep trying until you find a therapist you can trust and friends who will be there for you through thick and thin (and honestly they are the best type of friends to have) and especially find all the love that you lacked from whoever hurt you and give it to yourself.

/r/BPD Thread