I can't fuck around anymore

I started when I was 12, its a bitch to stop. I turned 24 a few months ago and I haven't smoked since January 31st. Right around the 1.5 - 3 month point is usually when I stop thinking about smoking 100+ times a day and will go days w/o thinking about it at all. In the early weeks of no weed, I feel like I get this dry brain syndrome where nothing is really enjoyable and I'm just going through the motions of life for 2-3 weeks. After that point it gets a lot easier. The best advice is to just make sure smoking isn't an option in your mind ever. It's always gotta be no, I do not smoke. Don't think about tolerance drops or etc, its never going to be worth getting high. Try cold showers or just a regular shower when you're at your weakest and want to smoke the most. The whole giving yourself to a higher power works for a lot of people. However, I've found the most success abstaining from marijuana when I do it for somebody else. I dunno about pain therapy but I was recently reading about Marinol helping people quit smoking marijuana. At least you've got a reason to sober up though, let that be your strength! Unfortunate for me, I'm just quitting because I hate who I am when I'm high and for no other reason. Best of luck staying sober and hope I helped :p

/r/leaves Thread