Be careful which groomer you take your pet to. (Story inside)

Tl;dr: I dropped off my perfectly healthy and happy fluff butt to the groomer yesterday morning and picked him up with 3 broken ribs and a punctured lung.

I guess I never thought of a groomer as being a place my dog could get hurt, but yesterday evening when I went to pick up my little guy I could tell he was walking funny and seemed upset. I didn't think much about it until we got outside and he couldn't jump in the car and he just layed down. As soon as I tried to pick him up he squealed in pain.

I immediately ran into the groomer and asked the only kid that was still there if my dog, Jasper, had been acting funny. He said no, everything went perfect. I knew he wasn't telling the truth so jumped in the car and ran him to a 24 hour emergency vet hospital that was only 2 minutes from the groomer. After several xrays, they were able to easily see 2, maybe 3 or 4 broken ribs at the time, and air leaking under his skin (from what, I don't know, they don't think his lung was punctured). I called the groomer back but no one was there at this point. I had Jasper's xrays sent off to a radiologist that specializes in animal abuse, and I also filed a police report.

I guess my lesson learned here is to be extremely careful who you trust your pet with.

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