Caught Her With Another Guy & She Got Him To Jump Me

Maybe I didn't describe it well enough. She started closing the door on me, so I punched her one time, she turned to him, held her hand out like she was saying wtf, and gave him the look like "are you gonna let him do that" kinda thing. Then he started coming up to me, and she's getting all excited, he punched me once, and as soon as he did that one time she's like "Woo! Yea!! Beat his ass!" and he started punching me in the face, I tried punching him back, he hit me in the nose so my eyes were watering and I went down covering my face and was saying "Stop" and shes like egging him on to keep going saying yasss and giggling like a schoolgirl, while I was on the floor covering my face with a bloody nose. What's your opinion now? and do you still not think she was egging him on?

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