Champs Requiring the least team coordination?

Master Yi(jungle), Udyr(jungle), Fiora(top), Garen(top), Nasus(top)

Master Yi: Farm plenty in jungle, come into lanes to get easy kills/clean ups. Towards late game, just be patient and get your easy triple-penta kills. He has been getting banned more often as a result.

Udyr: He can gank lanes pretty easily, farm very easily, and push lanes whenever needed. For example, if some lane roams to gank another lane, punish that roamer by going ham onto the ditched lane and take tower. If they begin to respond, you bear/turtle spam to safety.

Fiora: She is literally one of the best top laners at the moment. Her dueling, assuming you play her well, is pretty much unmatched in top lane. She shreds tanky top laners and can outplay most brusier top laners. If you win your lane, you're pretty much smooth sailing in terms of laning phase. You can also split push really hard and TP whenever you feel like it to help your teammates.

Garen: Similar situation to top lane. Fiora typically beats Garen if the Fiora can parry the Q silence; otherwise Garen wins. Aside from Fiora, Garen is also a really strong lane stomper. I usually get Ignite on Garen simply because it gives me so much kill potential combined with his ult. Likewise to Fiora, once you get the lane lead, you can pretty much stomp your opponent and occasionally tower dive. Whenever you get ganked, you can Q and run.

Nasus: Unfortunately Nasus doesn't have the same bullying pressure quite quickly since he needs to farm his Q first. However, his early game mentality is pretty much "farm farm farm". There's a zzRot Nasus build that a well known streamer has made famous and it's a fairly "I do what I want" build.

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