Child won't f***ing SLEEP at night

OP, I have two autistic children with ADHD. Do you think she could have ADHD as well?

I know most people would argue this shouldn't happen, but it is the ONLY thing that gets my children to bed. Have you tried having TV time before bed? For my children, it's stimulating enough that they are engaged, but calming their bodies enough that they usually will fall asleep in an hour. They get a small snack and a TV show, laying down. And it works probably 5-6 days a week.

We don't do naps, at all, ever because it makes sleeping worse. We push through naps, which keeps them tired enough. Also, after dinner, before TV time, we usually "run around" for an hour to burn off energy. Like literally just run. (I'm not saying force it, but I find they tire more easily if after dinner they get some time to play before bedtime.)

Also, I would like to say, I completely understand not being able to leave them alone and childproof enough. My kids have figured out every lock and door and gate and anything. We have to be with them always.

I hope this helps you!! I really do understand how awful having a horrible sleeper(s) can be. It's so difficult. Our oldest is turning five and just now has started sleeping well. I'm so sorry you're going through this!! Hugs.

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