China Tears Down the Tibetan City in the Sky: demolishing homes and evicting thousands from Larung Gar, the world’s largest Tibetan Buddhist institution

Their homes are torn down because its a fire and safety hazard and is a fuckin slum. It would be done in any country that enforces abuilding standard

Their culture is being erased

Questionable. When the han chinese were restricted form having children was their culture being erased? Tibetans were free to procreate as the wished. Not very effectively erasing anything. Yes China has a beef with the dalai lama. So would any country with the leader of an open rebellion. Tibetan GDP is growing at 10% every year since the 2000's. thats literally bringing prosperity to a backwards theocratic serfdom that Tibet was before independence.

Their freedom of movement is curtailed False. They are being encourage to learn mandarin and go for higher studies, integrate into the mainstream chinese society.

Their nation, is occupied by a foreign government who dictates what their laws are

Stop this dramatic bullshit. Texas was Mexico. Are we weeping everyday over how Texans hispanics are being slaved by America and demanding independence of Texas?

so can the rest of China btw Misleading as fuck. Yes they lifted it last year. but not since 1979. thats almost 40 years of reducing HAn population while allowing tibetans and uighurs to breed more.

How are Americans so fucking brainwashed.

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