China was Told of Russia's plan to Invade Ukraine ahead of time - Chose to tell Russia to wait until the Olympics end, unveiled plans to build a New Chinese-Russian World Order, instead of mediating peace.

Hello propaganda machine. Nice profile !

User: richhandler
Agenda: Normalisation of a two sided debate on Russia’s blatant invasion on Ukraine.
With multiple war crimes, in less than two weeks in.

Just came here to flag your comment chain for public view.

Please see user profile to find activity in sub-reddits that are either political or main subs.

User profile appears to frequently comment and even follows other users activity. Perhaps considerable harassment.

The lowest common denominator in richhandler’s activity is Pro-Russian implications through debate in posts that have discussions about the current Invasion of Ukraine. I found some of richhandler’s comments both ironic and funny as he has been accusing other redditors of being “bots” while having a very obvious agenda of their own.

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