Chris Mints, the hero that charged the UCC shooter to help save others is doing fine after having surgery to remove 7 bullets. What a guy.

Wow that's a lot of projecting.

Please explain how.

Why are you annoyed by that? Self sacrifice, and suicide are two different things. Status Quo in this situation if I'm understanding your logic is: "a guy runs at an assailant instead of running away." and you're bothered by that because you think he was suicidial.

I'm annoyed because this reveals just how petty humanity is on an innate level, and how only I can see through this bullshit hugbox.

Thousands upon thousands of people do the same thing this guy had done a year, and yet we don't give two shits about them. But because we're (you're) outraged and hurt by the actions of Chris Mercer, you form this hypocrital hugbox and worship someone who quite literally is an everyday man at this point in order to make yourselves feel all warm on the inside. I fucking tragedy happened you blind fucks. You should be mourning and miserable. But instead you do whatever you can to be positive to avoid having to face reality head on. You're all just cowards to me at this point, and so was this guy because nobody who wants to live and could choose life would choose death in the heat of the moment. It fundamentally contradicts both intuition and our comprehensive understanding of human psychology/sociology, it's obvious that this guy, Chris, saw a way out of his hellish existence that didn't involve shaming his family, and he decided to grab it with both hands - and yet some how it still slipped between his fingers.

I can respect and even admire that level of strategic thinking and cunningness, but what I can't respect is how the average person will willfully reject what is obvious, for something that is instead warm and cozy. You people hate the truth, you despise it, and yet you're probably one of the fucks who would claim to prefer the truth over reality.

Every time a mass murder happens and I see the families of the victims hold hands together in honor of the dead I become enraged. There's just so much wrong, contradictory and superficial about that kind of behavior that cannot begin to explain myself accurately. It's all just a superficial plastic face that has been pressed onto humanities flesh for so long now that it has sunken beneath the bone and infected our (your) organs. I've had these revelations for so long now that humanity barely makes a shred of sense to me now, are our displays of emotions even biological anymore? Or this just some kind of unnatural addition to the human experience that comes hand in hand with being "normal" and "happy".

I don't hate this guy, Chris. But I'm not going to worship him either. So fuck you for thinking I should.

And no, before you report me to the FBI I don't condone mass murder nor do I want to do it myself. I'm angry and upset too. But I'm also sickened by the strange arbitrary rollacoaster of human behavior that covers what is supposed to be humanity's more internal and carnal experiences, emotions.

At this point I can't tell if you're just trolling because you seem serious which is sad.

Believe that if it makes you feel better, pretend that people like me who can see straight through your, your family's, your friend's bullshit don't exist so you can carry on living life knowing that the blue pill was the correct choice.

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