CMV: Despite the negatives which get all of our attention, the last thirty years has been the best time to be alive in the history of our species.

i haven't read this book, but usually these kinds of things focus on some economic metrics and point out how we make more money and have dishwashers compared to the past so we're net better off.

i think what this line of thinking always makes the mistake of is that it equates more money and productivity and knowledge to happiness, which i don't happen to agree with.

i think we're in the end more comfortable for sure, but knowing more about the world and the increasing amount of possible or potential ways we can each be screwed dramatically increases stress. and i don't think this stress really goes away knowing that i earn more than a 19th century factory worker.

there's a reason many people fantasize and fetishize of "simpler times" and becoming homesteaders or build log cabins in the woods. worrying about less at the cost of modern convenience can be worthwhile.

/r/changemyview Thread