CMV: I hate my British citizenship and wish I could get rid of it.

To be British at one time meant you were well-mannered, educated, polite and respectable. Now I cringe with embarrassment at the behaviour of many British people now, both here in the UK itself and abroad.

So you are judging a whole country by the actions of a minority ? I don't mean to sound rude, but you complain about people typecasting Muslims a lot and yet you are doing the exact same thing about British people?

The same country that produced Shakespeare and Elgar now thrives on stupidity and ignorance. I consider myself fairly averagely educated, and whilst at one time my knowledge of Virgil's Aeneid or my interest in philosophy would have been considered the sign of a good education, is now taken to be a sign of being 'snobby' or 'a toff'.

Maybe people call you a snob or a toff because you are coming across as a bit condescending and judgemental to be blunt?

I am not saying the UK is perfect its not, its full of ass holes, stupid politicians etc. but its not right to write off a whole country based on that.

I know of a perfectly good reason why you shouldn't destroy your passport... a. Its bloody expensive b. Its actually a criminal offence c. You can't travel anymore

The constant meddling in foreign affairs (especially Russia) along with the ridiculous colonial attitude which still exists in many people's heads, even though the UK's 'empire' now consists of a few islands, is almost laughably pathetic.

So you are OK with Russia invading an annexing part of another country and triggering civil war over there? The UK didn't actually meddle that much in Ukraine it was actually the EU parliament who started the ball rolling. Also virtually every country manipulates others, China does all the time with its currency floating (and keeping Korea segregated indirectly) , Saudi Arabia manipulates oil prices, propagates their own version of Islam in the world by building their mosques in other countries and sending their Imans; US and Israel both manipulate, as does France, Iran etc. every country does it I am afraid.

/r/changemyview Thread