Cold hard truth about the "endgame content" and why it's NOT going to happen (by a late AR59 player)

Ikr you get 80% of the top comments just to echo the bullshit op oppressive opinion? Really? like dude’s about to receive a noble peace prize for speaking against this force of evil that advocates for video games to have gameplay in them?? Outrageous how dare they demand half of what other games offer from this small budget billion dollar company!!1! This post basically reads like this “having endgame content added benefits those who have free time on their hand and you see if I don’t/ am feeling lazy to do it fuck rewarding them” talk about self centered better yet how about you compromise by skipping these so called chores and we won’t need to gatekeep others from getting them, (I had to quit lost ark due to college you don’t see me cry why it didn’t cater to my schedule if little gaming time, if anything am happy it can provide others the joy it did for me as a proper game with actual content) we need to stop pushing this dumb narrative coming up with every excuse under the moon for them to avoid improving their game

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread Parent