Why do you think college-educated and non-college-educated people have such different political/social views?

I, and everybody who lives in a nation with a proper apprenticeship system, knows that you don't need a degree to be smart.

In fact, here in Germany, you don't need a degree to be educated.

Do you agree with the original sentiment which I disagreed with claiming those people without degrees live in a completely different, inferior and smaller plane of mental existence than those with degrees? according to that person our experiences regarding a lot of people not needing a degree to be educated means "absolutely nothing" because it goes against "research" and if you disagree that means you can't comprehend them.

it turns into Americans telling us how the sympathy towards people inside and outside of our continent is totally bullshit and we should forget the mistakes our great grandparents made (this is especially true for Germany. People have called me all sorts of shit because I don't respect Wehrmacht's soldiers).

I haven't said anything like this and people I know irl don't hold views like this either. Many people against illegal immigration/refugees here aren't supportive of it because of racism or genocidal views, its because it would be a major detriment to their already deteriorating quality of life.

I went into it in another comment, just my perspective.

If someone votes against illegal immigration because they themselves have a low paying job (which often goes along with lacking a degree), isn't it because they're probably more concerned with their job security and feeling the repercussions on a personal level, rather than someone who holds a degree and doesn't have to worry about job security having to worry about the impact of illegal immigration? Or living in already poor neighborhoods where many refugees would be stationed to, working class people without degrees would have to feel the repercussions of that, while those with higher income/degrees can afford literally and figuratively to not worry about the potential negatives so they can hold a more "ideal, open minded" stance.

Even still, this is just my view. I know others without degrees here who are supportive of illegal immigration/refugees and those with who aren't. Ideally I'd support it if there was better infrastructure here to help people who are already here and need it, but greed/turning a blind eye and blaming them for being dumb dumbs not picking up their bootstraps is prevalent.

Germany is way different than the U.S. in terms of benefits and resources for their citizens. I know in Germany if someone is poor they receive a good amount of money and benefits to help sustain them, living in poverty in Germany is a very different experience to that of poverty in the U.S. There aren't proper apprenticeship systems here either, we have trade schools but its predominately male and misogynistic in culture, military, college and thats about it. Many fields which could benefit from apprenticeship programs would rather run on nepotism and hire family/friends instead.

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