College Liberal on sexual orientation and preferences.

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that you interpret what you read, and decide what to dismiss, with profound bias.

Feminist have spent the last 100 years petitioning for equal voting rights,

No they haven't. Feminists have done nothing to secure voting rights for disenfranchised men.

equal pay for equal work,

No they haven't. Currently in the US, women get more compensation than men for the work they do. Feminists not only are not lifting a finger to secure equal compensation for men, but aim to increase the inequity.

and equal human rights.

No they haven't. Feminists have not advocated that women be conscripted and ordered into the most dangerous combat occupations in order to defend or expand human rights. They didn't demand a place in the trenches of WW1, or the jungles of WW2. They didn't volunteer to get their skulls cracked in the Indian war for independence. They didn't rush toward the fire hoses and dogs in Birmingham, and in Arab Spring they hid in their apartments Sipping tea and chanting "The streets will be flooded with the blood of our BROTHERS AND SONS before we allow one woman's blue bra to be accidentally exposed" while 800,000 men died for their rights.

Feminism is DEFINED by advocating for equal power and rights of men and women in society

No it's not. Feminism is defined by advocating for more privilege and reward, and less responsibility, risk, and sacrafice for women.

crack any intro to women's studies textbook and it will be in the first chapter, I guarantee it.

No it won't. The first chapter of zero women's studies textbooks advocate for equal parenting legislation, equal criminal sentencing, equal access to domestic violence shelters and contraceptives.

Modern feminists DO worry about the shifts in the way we socialize men

Only if the socialization of men is contradictory to the selfish interests of women.

and the impact that's had on college going rates for men.

Bullshit. Women have almost 50% more seats in colleges than men. On almost every campus in the US feminists demand that MORE qualified men be turned away so that less qualified women can enlarge the enrollment gap. On almost every campus in the US, feminists defend scholarships that are reserved only for women, while opposing scholarships that are reserved only for men. There are no service academies where feminists advoctate for lowering fitness requirements for men to equal their own. On no campus do feminists propose to open sororities to men, while many demand opening fraternities to women. Feminists don't oppose self-defense training for women only, using fees paid by men, nor do feminists advocate equal funding for men's studies programs.

Feminists DO worry about the equal availability of contraceptives for men

No they don't. They advocated aggressive AGAINST equal access to contraceptives in the ACA. Know how many "Offices of Women's..." Were established by the ACA? Show me the feminists that lobbied for any "Offices of Men's..." Your equality claim is bullshit.

(when does your prescription for condoms expire, by the way?)

The ACA provides condoms and surgical sterilization for women. When does YOUR prescription expire, by the way? And where are the feminists demanding ACA mandated vasectomies?

Feminists DO worry about domestic violence against men

No you don't. That's why the feminist landmark VAWA provided TENS OF BILLIONS of dollars for domestic violence services that exclude men. Show me the plank in the League of Women Voters platform, or the NOW demonstration, or the Ms. Foundation grant advocating for a Violence Against Men Act. Show me the AAUW lawsuit or the feminist legislator's bill.

If this isn't the representation of feminism that you've seen in your experience you might consider doing a little more reading on the topic before discussing the "basic belief" of the field.

Typical feminist. "If you don't agree, you're ignorant." Okay, I'll read whatever you produce. Show me the women's studies textbook that attempts to falsify the existence of patriarchy or oppression. Show me the cover of Ms. Magazine that highlights violence against men. Show me the Congressional Women's Caucus press release on the issue of boys being beaten by school staff 100 times more often than girls. I would like nothing more than to read those.

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