Contractz being restricted from joining teams due to large buyout from collapsed org.

Riot's vision is all the same PR bullshit as any other. Of course they want their game to last forever, that way they never have to anything other than upkeep, and upgrades. But their motivation isn't some nice, utopian, interest in your well-being and enjoyment. Although I'm sure there are many people at Riot who drink the kool-aid and swallow this stuff whole.

Riot has shown that they're willing to steal concepts from the community, even people who were never in the LoL community.

They were willing to buyout other games from esports events, to secure their own growth, even though their game was objectively much less polished, and impressive. This was despite their rhetoric of wanting to promote all esports equally.

They have completely monopolized the competitive scene, and have used it as a tool to heavily control the public image of the game, and behavior of everyone involved in the competitive scene.

And even as small a thing as dropping fan favorite casters because they dared to demand a competitive salary, leaving the biggest competitive region without a single regional expert.

There are many more examples where they contradict all their PR crap, of community focused, competitive integrity, investing in esports, etc. Whatever some individual employees think at Riot, companies can't be altruistic, and are forced by law (at least in the USA) to act only in their best interest. Which for a business like Riot, is making money. This makes companies behave almost like psychopaths. They will lie to you, say whatever you want to hear, and even do nice things for you, but only if they think they can get something from you. The bigger the company, the more this is true.

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