Conversion Reasoning

Firstly God does love you, he tells us through the scriptures.

God’s Love Letter to you

As Christians, God never said our lives would be easy but he did promise us he would not allow us to be tested beyond what we can endure. God said we will not understand everything but we must trust him. He is also preparing us for when we rule with him in the Millennium reign.

He does promise to supply all our needs, so no riches here on earth but in heaven we cannot even begin to imagine or understand what he has in store for us.

On the other hand, Satan does promise riches and fame here on earth, whatever you want, as long as you sell your soul to him. He wants to drag as many people as he can to Hell. It is so sad so many beautiful stars have sold their soul to the devil. We need to pray for them.

Artists who sold their soul to the devil

Brittany Spears opens up about the Illuminati

Satan is not longer hiding, he is in plain sight.

Alert! Fox News

Former Freemason/Illuminati member speaks out

There are loads of video’s about star’s selling their souls to the devil. Shocking what they have to do for Satan in return, drinking blood, terrible sexual acts, human sacrifices and even cannibalism.

If there is anytime in history that people need God, it is right now. Rapture is going to happen very soon, the restrainer, Holy Spirit will be gone and then the Antichrist is going to rule and get everyone to take the mark of the beast and if you refuse you will have your head chopped off.

A warning! 10 beheaded goats

Bible says it will be the worst time in the history of the world.

/r/DebateAnAtheist Thread