Cops in LA gun down teen at apartment after report of graffiti

I am SO FUCKING TIRED of the media putting out these bullshit blurbs that have no journalistic value. For fuck sake, what happened to the media actually being investigative and telling a complete story? The more website hits the better, screw actually trying to report fact.

I have spent the better part of my adult life as a Police Officer. Gone to hundreds of hours of training on my own time and dime, leaving my family at home; to learn how to read human behavior and stay safe. I have performed CPR and revived people several times, pushed cars out of the road, talked to old ladies who heard noise outside until they felt better, comforted rape victims and arrested their victimizer, helped children get out of abusive homes, placed myself in harms way to protect strangers and all the while being professional to each person I encounter. Each call I go on I know I may be placed in danger and never see my family but I know that if I lay down my life to save another's it will be worth it.

Then I mosey on over to Reddit news and find a wonderful group of people who don't give two fucks about how their community has been improved by their local law enforcement. They have never been robbed or shot or stabbed or raped or any other type of horribleness. Do they stop to think it may be because of the hard work Officers have put in to get those people off the street? Fuck no. They saw a story about a cop on the other mother fucking side of the country who tarnished his badge and violated his oath. Now every Officer in his hometown gets to hold that same dishonor because of some fucktard who should have never been an Officer in the first place.

Reddit, you are bombarded with stories of the negative. Often posted and reposted then posted again. Don't let this sway your vision of Law Enforcement. In your hometown their are Officers who want to do a good job and when push comes to shove will place your life before theirs. Just because they don't approach you and tell you this doesn't mean it's not so. If you go about your day without fear of being victimized, stop and think about why that is. Bad people are everywhere but there are Officers working in the background constantly to provide a buffer between you and them.

/r/news Thread Link -