Court blocks law that would have closed Mississippi's only abortion clinic

It's like making up laws regarding civilian concealed carry of firearms. Most states are shall issue, meaning as long as the person has taken a safety course, and is not otherwise prohibited the state MUST issue the permit. This is currently settled law via the Supreme Court.

However some states set up their shall issue laws in a way to make it nearly impossible to get a permit. On paper they allow it, but in reality they have made it so onerous as to be a ban. The unfortunate thing is depending on the right in question both sides tend to do this. For the most part the right hates abortion, and will do everything they can to control and ban it, even though it's a settled right. And the majority of the left hates the right to carry arms and does everything they can to subvert it as well.

It's funny how people on either side will scream about restricting their favorite right, but when it comes to one they don't it's suddenly "yeah but...". A right is a right, and as long as we keep fighting over the "good ones" then we won't get anywhere.

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