Crazy karen assaulting someone for parking in "her" neighborhood

Hi! It seems you've found my comment. Good for you, I guess!

If you've just watched this video of this woman behaving, quite obviously, badly - I'd like you to do me a favor.

Take inventory of your own life. Examine the things you've done. If all of them were recorded and posted on Reddit, would you stand by them?

Now, don't take this as me sticking up for this person. They were obviously wrong and I have no relationship with them, or desire to defend them.

I just want you to consider if this is a "meta" you want to contribute to. Maybe this interaction isn't even genuine - there are many fabricated ones like it. Does it make you feel better to observe people behaving badly because you've done so yourself, and just haven't been documented in such a damning way? Why is this entertainment to you? What draws you to content like this?

I'm fully prepared for the downvotes. Are you prepared to hold yourself accountable?

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Link -