Current Goal: 1/2/3/4 plates on the Big Four Lifts. Critiques on my current diet plan and workout plan appreciated.

I want to switch to a more aesthetic based goal. Is now a good time to switch (considering I'm approaching intermediate lifts)?

I would not drop your secondary goal to pursue a more 'aesthetic based program'.

Your secondary goal is very much achievable with your current numbers, progress and a little bit of determination. I would suggest you continue trying to achieve this goal, as it will help you reach your primary goal at the same time. Accessory lifts will be necessary to achieve the physique you want, yes, but the compound lifts will help you lift much more in those accessories, and you will reach your goal body faster.

I know it is anecdotal, but I hit 1/2/3/4 only about 45-50 days ago, and I am quite proud of my current physique. I have not dropped those lifts from my routine yet, in fact I have kept on adding weight to them, even on a cut.


Worth pointing out that I can't touch my toes.

Just by looking at your numbers, you didn't even have to point this out and I would have known. You are almost OHP'ing a plate, but you can't squat 2 plates. Not a great spot to be. You NEED to work on hip flexibility. Yoga (I do sun salutations every day), static stretching 2-3 times a day. You are already foam rolling, that's great, keep it up. Third world squats. Get comfortable in that 'hole' position. Stretch your calves 2-3 times a day. hams, quads and hips couple times a day. The added flexibility should help you shoot your numbers up.

As for programming... Keep an eye out this week for an upcoming post of mine where will be trying to document my 'powerlifting/bodybuilding hybrid for aesthetics' program. I am in the same'ish boat as you, using the compound lifts to chisel a perfect physique, and it does actually take a fair amount of accessorizing.

You could also look into most tried and tested PPL, Bro-split style workouts that isolate a muscle group every day, and just add your compound lifts to the beginning of the workout.

Good luck, and please don't drop the big 4 lifts :)

/r/Fitness Thread