[CW] Write a story that has no characters and no dialogue.

[CC] The planet had no seasons, just days of sun and days of rain.

Plants with deep viridian leaves covered the mountains in the distance. On this planet, altitude favoured the living. The most common plant resembled heather, however its purple petals were fluorescent during the Sun days.

Trees were plentiful and grew dozens of metres tall. Beautiful, crimson flowers bloomed from their barks, some the size of small houses. Vines cuddled the trees, stretching through the canopy for the horizon far away.

Rain fell heavy on the rain days, each raindrop containing small concentrations of moon dust that made the saturated soils below glisten.

The Sun's reflection on the moons that orbited the planet was so strong, that the moons shone brighter than the distant Sun.

Between two of the trees rested a hammock. It was long, with alternating pink and blue stripes. It swung between the trees amidst the gentle breeze, with an unknown purpose.

Miles past the hammock lay a cave. Triangular in shape, the cave was etched into a mountain side. A light illuminated the cave from deep within. The light was to be feared, the only thing on the planet to incite terror came from this cave. For it was unknown, for the planet was lost.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread