Daily Discussion Thread: 04/24/2017

I'm not at all trying to be non-understanding of the struggle of transgendered people...but I don't understand the logic of how it's okay for a woman to go into a doctors office and say she wants to be a man, and be given steroids (I know the process is more complicated obviously, but in essence...but it is not okay for a man to go into a doctors office and say he wants to be a bigger man and get steroids.

Why is it more legally allowed for a woman to become a man, than it is for a man, who's already a man, be a bigger man?

I get it, if you're that woman in that situation you feel like you're in the wrong body, and you believe you are a man on the inside; and since we have the technology to put you "in the right one", then you're allowed...but what if a skinny small guy with bad genetics thinks he's in the wrong body too, because he feels like he is a larger man on the inside....both people think they're in the wrong body, and if anything, the transition is much easier for the small man into a big man.

Again, I don't want that to come off the wrong, way; I'm not at all saying transgendered people shouldn't be allowed the steroids...I just think if that's allowed, dudes should be able to go in and get them through the same process.

Idk, maybe I'm wrong...I just don't get it.

/r/bodybuilding Thread