Daily Rants/Raves/Progress Thread for June 06, 2022

Lowkey annoyed by the discussions around the ketogenic diet recently. Its definitely a difficult diet to maintain, especially in a modern western society or if you have a history of disordered eating. But when done right, it can be amazing for one's health. It is a diet that is very similar to what our ancestors ate (mainly just meat, vegetables and fruits, little to no grains). It was rediscovered as a treatment for people with epilepsy but I think there is more evidence now that suggest that it has benefits for just about everyone, especially those with chronic conditions like PCOS.

Your body has a different way of dealing with ketosis than regular carb based diets so there can be an adjustment period where you feel those flu-like symptoms but for most people, it's temporary. Some people might continue to feel them if you don't fully stick to the diet or your body might simply not like keto. The human body is not entirely understood yet and everyone is different.

I'm not really saying this to invalidate anyone that has suffered bc of keto or diets in general. It's perfectly fine if you try it and it doesn't work for you. But I don't want people that could seriously benefit from it to be scared off by other people's stories.

/r/PCOS Thread