Dating someone tapering. Help me understand

Wow. You hit the nail on the head. With all of that....yep love bombing. So he's shows a lot of narcissist qualities honestly. Manipulative. My pastor told me, "You are holding all the cards. You can walk away anytime. " and that was very empowering, bc this person had made me feel like I was holding no cards and I was so wrapped up in his drama. My pastor also said, it's not the drugs. I council people like this all the time. Food for thought.

He says so many conflicting things it makes my head hurt trying to understand. And last night after a few hours of conversation he said something like, "Oh who would ever want to be away from you." and it felt SOOOO INSINCERE. And out of place especially bc he hung up on me the night before and said he wanted space.

He also said on the phone if this is too much for you just tell me. Then later he said if you cant handle this you def. cant be my wife... (what!?) and admitted he was 'testing that'. It's like some weird sick game. But that's not how courting works. At all. You don't put that level of pressure on a new relationship and use it as a litmus for a covenant. Then after the call I get 6 texts stating he missed me prayed about us and got a 'revelation' for a new career. It's ..just a mess

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