
Mine came on 2 months out. I was extremely bothered by it initially since I became hyper-focused on it plus I’m OC. I downloaded several white noise apps and always made sure to be in places with a lot of sound. At home, I had my a/c, fan and crickets outside.

Lately (now three months out), it has subsided and although still there, it no longer bothers me as much. I have good days and bad but more good. I started taking a ton of supplements (b-complex, magnesium, ashwagandha, gaba, l-theanine, nac, ginkgo, melatonin) hoping one of them would soften the noise.

Try not to hyper-focus on it. I know easier said than done but just try. I also notice when I eat a lot of MSG or when I’m fired up, the tinnitus tends to flare up.

/r/benzorecovery Thread