I’m tough but I can’t seem to find any success stories online

I was on 2 mg clonazepam for over 15 years. I started micro tapering in December 2021. I just had my last dose 2 weeks ago so it took me a full year. I bought a A precise gram scale and shaved off a tiny bit daily, holding at a dose if I felt anxiety or side effects, which were infrequent. Are used a formula/calculator that I found on benzo buddies to scale my tapering which charted a plan and showed me that it would take close to 300 days. It took me slightly longer because as I mentioned I did hold a dose at times for a period of a week to do if I felt anxious. I did not have nearly the amount of side effects that I hear about on these forums, which I attribute to the slow taper. I decided upon the slow taper precisely to avoid those side effects. I did not care how long it took me to get off this drug, as long as I could do it with the least amount of side effects possible. If that is your goal, I highly recommend micro tapering. Since I only jumped couple of weeks ago, time will tell how long it takes for me too recover my brain and memory. but I’m so grateful that I got off the stuff. It’s a challenge learning how to deal with my anxiety without the medication, but I am learning.

/r/benzorecovery Thread