Grassroots marketing non-profit

Isn’t that what is already happening on They are an already established 501(c)3, and they accept donations. It looks like they are partnered with quite a few medical organizations already.

Not sure why you would ask here as opposed to going directly to them and asking if they need marketing help. They would likely have a much larger network to find donors than anything that you would find on Reddit.

The feds have already put a black-box warning (the highest severity) on these medications. The medical community is certainly becoming aware of the risks involved. Heck, in my state, you need to be drug tested and counseled before you can even get a benzo, and even then it is strictly regulated, and you won’t get very many of them at all.

Nice idea, but you’re essentially asking if anyone knows rich donors who want to launch an advertising campaign on the dangers of benzodiazepines. No one will donate to anything that isn’t already established, and is already there. Contacting them is your best bet.

/r/benzorecovery Thread