Day 1 Recycling in Ranger School

You can discover many things about the culture in the Army right now, but, the wheel keeps going round and round and we continuously have to re-learn old techniques and lessons. We learned about the political pressure of females in "manly" MOS's back in the 1940's. The WAC was an attempt to give equal oppertunities to women during WWII. Korea and Vietnam was slow for the progression of "equal" rights for women because war is bloody and women only bleed once a month, so they were kinda left out.

Then came the 70's where women were pushed to the back of the bus so the Army could focus on minorities equal rights. The early 80's were a quiet time for any equalization for anyone except senior officers, when they got more money and less brains. Then in the early 90's, the Army proposed to allow women into the "combat arms" of Attack aviation. The experiment failed, but like all other political decisions, it was buried under the noise of deployments and the Gulf war.

The first female Attack pilot went through the qualification course under a microscope, not to make sure she could perform equally as a man could, but to make sure she got through the course regardless of her ability. She went on and became a platoon leader of an Attack helicopter platoon, and while in that position she demonstrated her great ability as a leader and screwed at least half of her Warrant Officers and then got pregnant by one of them and had to be re-purposed as a rear D commander.

The second Attack pilot attempt successfully made it through the "manly" Apache course and regardless of how ugly she was, and regardless of how perverted she was sexually, she graduated the course with great fanfare and went on to fly with the 2nd BN 229th AVN regt, the "Flying Tigers", where she never achieved RL-1. She was also caught masturbating in her one piece flight suit at altitude in the front seat and showing her male "safety" pilot her nasty fingers. She went on and made O-4 as far as I know.

So, regardless of what is published, women will only become equal when they have to have the same haircut, same height/weight standards, same uniform and more than anything else, the same physical fitness standards of her male counterparts. Also, when a woman is in the Army, a pregnancy should be an Article 15 followed by her expeditious removal from the Army by a spit shined Corceran boot.

All partial satire aside, when SOLDIERS have the same standards, regardless of race, sex, and gender preference, then your question/curiosity will be answered with truth, not political correctness.

Source; I had the "privilege of flying with both of these fine examples of "combat" Attack pilots of a different gender as their IP, who was told with absolute certainty by the CG at Ft. Rucker, that they "WILL" succeed in graduating the course.

Politics should always be left out of Army decisions, but, the wheel keeps going round and round and the higher rank you achieve the more you bend to get your next promotion.

Happy trails fellow soldiers, I do not envy what changes are right around the corner and cannot imagine what accommodations have been made in the last year. Godspeed and good luck.


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