To the dbag red python ramming people in the George Lucas station:

We have numerous failsafes in place. --

First off, when a pass is sold they are reminded to come to our forums and file complaints/reports against our members if they were killed in cold blood/no reason. Most of these are written about people like you or others; for some reason people assume pirate/pvper in Lave cluster = Code, which as I'm sure we both know is far from the truth.

Secondly, when a pass is sold it is made completely clear that just holding the pass only protects them from Code pirates. We have prompts using autohotkey we use when we interdict traders, asking them to throttle down, prepare for a scan, and let us know if they have a passcode. If they do have a pass we can take 3 seconds and look through our data sheets and match the trader with the code, if applied.

Moving on, in addition, if they want to exercise their pass to its fullest potential that they paid for, protection, passholders know that they will have to hop on our teamspeak and wing up with an escort wing if they want protection from people not in the Code. As you suggested, when traders do this we wing up with them, and escort them all the way into the station until touchdown for each station in the cluster until they're off on their merry way.

We are more than capable of providing protection as per the agreement, and as I have said before still have not lost a single trader we have been actively escorting. Outside of that, I've only heard a couple instances like the one you described, where you caught a passholder our when he wasn't being escorted; when this happens it's the passholders fault; we made it clear that they have to notify us before showing up they would like protection.

tl;dr - Passholders come onto our TS to be escorted, and we haven't lost a mark yet while they were being escorted. If they are being killed on their own without Code members escorting them; that's on them; they knew as per terms of the pass agreement they need to let us know if they want an active escort through the system.

/r/EliteDangerous Thread Parent