Dems back Pelosi as Speaker by 2-to-1 margin in new poll

Is it a right-wing conspiracy that the progressives in the US want to see some change in the democratic party?

While I acknowledge fully that the perceived turmoil plays into Trump's hands, I think the message that this is a non-issue, or that nobody actually has reasons to want someone other than Pelosi is the same kind of logic that led to Hillary's loss.

You don't get to downplay the actual liberals in the democratic party and then get upset when they don't mobilize for the same shitty middle-way democrat agenda that has marched the US to the right for decades.

I want someone who has the energy and will to get down in the mud pit with trump and make him eat shit.

Pelosi has already proven that she isn't that person.

Hopefully she will take this last election as a mandate to change her attitude and she will become vicious in her rebuke of the GOP and will doggedly pursue every single one of them for their sins... but I doubt it.

I am still wondering why gay rights weren't put into the civil rights act the last time dems ran Congress. Everyone that failed such an easy fucking layup then does not deserve progressive support now.

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