Do I deserve death?

They do need to die, real talk.

But you do not. Talk to the FBI for real, let them know that person has access to those sites.

I mean literally look up your local FBI office and talk to police and them and they will use that to go and search that fuckers shit.

he deserves to go down but you girl, you have a lot more fighting you have to do sadly.

I wish I could say there is an easy way out but the only thing that will really help you escape is outliving the fuck out of that piece of shit.

Go to the cops, go to the FBI, blast that shithead on every social media, buy yourself a gun, get therapy, don't give in to hypersexuality.

Do everything else but let that motherfucker win.

Because the sex drive thing is just your body going into stress mode, it doesn't know what to do and HE conditioned your body to react to stress (I think its called sympathetic nervous system? idk) with sexuality.

Don't let that motherfucker win, you take your damn time and get your help and build your case.

Patience and strength will win you peace, you can destroy what he tried to do and probably help others down the line too.

Don't let him win, don't you give up what you are for anyone. Get help, go to therapists, go to the police, go to the FBI, go to your community, don't let stress mean sex for you, learn how to overcome those triggers.

It is going to take time but I am praying for you sister. I know you are strong enough if you went through what he put you through.

He can go to hell and you can live and be happy and not deal with fear or hypersexuality or other people like you being hurt by that site. That is what the FBI does.

Peace and love, I hope you find every bit of joy in life you deserve. He didn't win yet, he won't win.

/r/ptsd Thread