Desperate Venezuelans swarm sewage drains in search of water

This has nothing to do with "communism" which is an authoritarian form of autocratic social rule or "capitalism" which is a free-market based economic system. Neither pure capitalism or pure socialism are practiced in this world. Every economy is a mixture of the two plus a bit of feudalism which has taken on a corporate face.

This is about Imperialism, pathological greed and war profiteering. This is about engineering this exact conversation. Where we are too distracted by our own bias ideologies that we fail to see what is right before our very eyes.

This is about gas, oil and material wealth and the centuries long pillaging of south and latin America. This is about reviving a Cold War that needs to end before we are convinced to blow eachother to smithereens leaving the scorched remains to a handful of billionaires who think this world would be better off, minus a few billion "eaters."

That's 90% of us. You own land? And not a house or even few houses here and there, but actual acreage? You have means to defend that acreage? You might be ok. The rest, not so much.

This is about getting rid of you. Of us. This has to stop before we are so wrapped in our own flags that we are willing to sacrifice ourselves willingly to nuclear holocaust at the behest of and perceived benefit to a few dynastic clans who will retreat to their bunkers.

Is this what we want? I sure as shit do not. Carry on with this nonsense and that's exactly what we'll get. There are real complex issues here. Issues that need reasonable and knowledgeable people to find creative solutions to.

There is enough here on this Earth for All of us. We are not using or allocating our resources in the most effective or efficient ways. But we CAN. If we don't get distracted. If we are willing to see beyond our own noses.

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