A detective from the 1970s attempting to track down the Zodiac killer

In 1999, I had found the Zodiac killers cyphers fascinating and printed out the entirety of the web page to try and solve them on my own. Got called into the vice principles office for a completely different reason, she searched my bag and found them. Incidentally the entirety of his letters to the press printed along with the cyphers. Vice principle thought I had murdered people and called the cops. When I tried to explain that these were the Zodiac killer's they thought I was lying and never heard of him...so continued to dig through my bag. They found a list of names and called my mom, accusing me of having a list of my victims. She laughed so hard, "those are characters from Godzilla the series." After that they were able to find information about the Zodiac killer and cross reference the letters. My vice principle was not happy...she'd spent the last hour calling me a murderer and that I was going to jail.

Got suspended for a week...can't really blame the Zodiac killer for that...but I do. Got me suspended.

/r/OldSchoolCool Thread Link - i.imgur.com