Why is diet advice such a clusterfuck?

Ok, yes, I worded it poorly I admit. I guess I got tired of seeing "Calories in, calories out. It's that simple". Thing is, where you get those calories matter. Eating fat and eating rarely will satiate you faster and in a way accomplish CICO without having to track religiously, just like the guy above said.

Honest question. Does anyone know any overweight person who went on tracking religiously and lost weight and kept it off? We have the Biggest Loser contestants for proof that it's not the case. If it was to be a matter of will, how can we accept that over 30% of the population has no willpower and that's why they're fat?

Thing is, calorie restriction does not work. Not for a prolonged period of time and not without you feeling like shit all the way. I know, unpopular opinion, but also supported by science.

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