Difference between Alternative Rock and regular Rock?

Most of what you're arguing isn't going against my point. Yes, the same can be said of ALL types of music. Just because I didn't name every genre doesn't invalidate what I said.

Again, for I believe the third time, most of music is subjective. "Is this song in 4/4 time?" is an objective question. "Are the Eagles a country band?" is a subjective question. Time signatures are objective, genres are generally subjective. Before you say it, there would hardly be a case to argue Napalm Death as country music, but is Igor a soul album? Is it a rap album? Is it both? Is it neither? It's a bit subjective, dontcha think?

You keep saying there are clear definitions, but you've danced around the parts where I keep saying it's subjective. What's your argument there? If you try telling me all genres are objective and if I disagree, I'm wrong, don't bother because I will not respond; that's nonsense.

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