The difference between an off-meta pick and an off-role pick

Lmfao. "Playing it by the book" is an old term from sports. It means following a determined strategy everyone knows. AKA for support, you stay with your lane partner and help them pressure the lane or get away if needed.

As another user said. By this point its common sense because we've been playing adc/supp botlane for what? 5 years now officially? It's not hard to know what a support does. You either provide cc or provide damage while keeping vision of your lane surroundings.

And yeah, garen support for season 3 was legit, and funny too. Season 3 you could get away with alot of things. But ever since then if I support even though I hate the role. I use my most comfortable champs and just help my lane partner.

Supp singed is fine, but if he's just going to proxy botlane he's not doing much. Feeding kills to their botlane while they also get to farm your minions just sets the adc back. Yeah he can win the games, but it still doesn't excuse the annoying and stressing time the other 4 players go through. So if he goes supp singed JUST to proxy, i mean. Why?

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