[Discussion] It's National Mutts Day! What breed is your Mutt and why do you like that combination so much?

I'm a day late I think. I've been loving my ACD/Pyr puppy. She is about 7.5 months old... she is a wild and crazy 60 lb puppy that people do double takes at (what is that thing and why is it moving so fast?). She, unlike my aussies, has never resource guarded or picked a dog fight. She's my most challenging dog because her size and raw athleticism came way before her brain has gained much maturity at all. I'm apreciating my capricious crazy puppy who barks at the neighbors and likes to eat raspberries with me off the plant for the amount of energy she brings and for really challenging me. I'm glad I've seen many crazy puppies mature into wonderful dogs or I think I'd be worried... I see so much potential in her but I'll have to work with her guarding (barking) instincts. I'm excited to try joring dog sports with my big girl someday! I think she is always going to be a good family member, I hope she figures out that the world isn't too scary as she matures... the dogs fear phases always made me feel like I'm losing it!

/r/dogs Thread