Does anybody else find this veil placement to be dated and awkward ? Her whole face is covered during the entire vow exchange. It reminds me of the Middle Ages.

I wasn’t trying to offend anyone. I actually get plenty of sex thank you very much lol (With my husband) so I’m not even a little bitter.

If you look up the definition of slut, although it is an insult it does mean a woman who sleeps around.

It’s ok if you do, I don’t judge you, it’s not my cup of tea, but to each its own. Kail and Jenelle have had many sexual partners so, by definition, they are “sluts”. It’s not nice to call someone a slut, but they have put their sexual lives out for all of us to see, they are obviously not ashamed of it. They shouldn’t be ashamed to fit the dictionaries description for slut either.

Here’s the definition from Webster’s

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