Got a record player as a graduation gift this past weekend and I’m proud to how I’m starting my collection off!

Yay for you. I'm sure "Rats" will sound terrific.

This band is a freaking joke now thanks to all you newbie fans, your horrible third-rate costumes, crooked tats, poorly framed magazine covers, and pathetic "shrines" in sad corners of sad houses.

Let's not forget all the posts you dorks make about feeling "comfortable," "safe," and "welcome" at....a freaking rock concert.

Let's not forget your hero Tobias scolding people and censoring his comments because there are children at the show.

Thanks for ruining everything, you helmet-wearing, blanket-biting, fanny-pack-wearing losers.

Keep banning me...I will keep coming back to say the same thing over and over and over.

Your angry responses are like gold coins to me.

/r/vinyl Thread Link -