Does anyone else ever feel depressed and discouraged after reading the threads discussing the experiences of attractive vs. unattractive women?

I get a lot of attention out and about but it's because I live in the centre of a huge city and am mostly alone (I don't work a normal job, on weekdays my friends are at work). I don't even like guys, so it doesn't make my life better in any way. I don't feel complimented when someone asks for my number after seeing me for a split second, I swear half the time they barely see my face, they just see a young woman on their own. It's far from being all about looks.

And when it's a matter of guys offering to help carry shit or open doors from a distance, I am one of those awkward people who hates that. Like when they hold a door open and you're still 100 bloody metres away and you have to change your walking speed so as not to keep them waiting... How is that good!

Sure I might be attractive to some people, and maybe some people get jealous. But they wouldn't swap lives with me for a second. I have a condition where I'm in chronic, often excruciating pain. I can't date or have sex because the pain hasn't gone away for one second in years. I'm not saying to get over it because health is much more important - no, I can completely understand how looks could be a huge concern in someone'slife. But next time you get depressed about people's experiences, just remember that no one's life is perfect. It's a shame to waste energy comparing one aspect of your life to someone else's and feeling bad about it, because one's life experience is much more complex than that. I'm just saying that cus it helps me when I get jealous of people who aren't in constant pain. I know that their lives aren't perfect either. Some of them may be much more depressed than me, regardless of whether they have reason to be. I just try to focus on making my own life happier, and not feeling bad about the hand I've been dealt in life. I find if you look at how other people's lives are better than yours (with regards to things you can't change), there's no end to the suffering.

/r/AskWomen Thread