Does anyone have a good diuretic protocol for a weight cut in an untested powerlifting meet?

I work with professional fighters for a living, I manage weight cuts regularly whether it's for wrestler's 2hr weigh ins or a fighter's 24. I also am a powerlifter and do my own cuts regularly. I just recently cut 19lbs in 5 days for my last meet. Some of the advice here is good, some isn't.

You don't want to drop carbs 2.5 weeks out, you are still training, you don't want workouts to take a dive. You don't need to water load 2-3 weeks out.

Here's the simplest route to go, personally have cut people from 15-25lbs doing this. this is for a 24 hr weigh in done on friday morning ( Adjust accordingly)

Saturday 3 gallons of regular water, with one of those zero calorie liquid powerade flavorings that makes a shit ton of servings dispersed evenly between the three gallons. drop carbs to 150g.

Sunday 3 gallons of regular water, with one of those zero calorie liquid powerade flavorings that makes a shit ton of servings dispersed evenly between the three gallons. drop carbs to 75 grams.

Monday 2 gallons of distilled water. Food = boiled or crockpot cooked chicken, no seasoning/salt, eat throughout the day sparingly but keep yourself from starving. Sodium free almond butter, a tablespoon or two with every meal you have chicken. Also a handful of fresh spinach leaves every meal as well.

Tuesday 1 gallon of distilled water. Food = boiled or crockpot cooked chicken, no seasoning/salt, eat throughout the day sparingly but keep yourself from starving. Sodium free almond butter, a tablespoon or two with every meal you have chicken. Also a handful of fresh spinach leaves every meal as well.

Wednesday 0.5 gallons of distilled water. Food = boiled or crockpot cooked chicken, no seasoning/salt, eat throughout the day sparingly but keep yourself from starving. Sodium free almond butter, a tablespoon or two with every meal you have chicken. Also a handful of fresh spinach leaves every meal as well. 3x per day take 200mg caffeine pills, 1500mg dandelion root. Drink a bottle of magnesium citrate before bed.

Thursday 0.25 gallons of distilled water. Food = boiled or crockpot cooked chicken, no seasoning/salt, 3 meals of 4oz of chicken, Sodium free almond butter, a tablespoon or two with every meal you have chicken. Also a handful of fresh spinach leaves every meal as well. stop eating and drinking by 5pm. 3x during the day take 400mg caffeine, 1500mg dandelion root. 8pm begin sweating, either sauna or hot bath DO NOT EXERCISE TO SWEAT. 15-20 minutes in 5-10 minutes out until you are within 1.5lbs of your weight you need to make. You will float the rest while you sleep. Do not shower, when you wake up, do not shower. Go weigh in.

Rehydration now. right after you weigh in, two scoops of pediaSURE not pedialyte, with a half bottle of glycerin, and 32 oz of water. Also, eat something like a big muffin or something solid like that or pancakes right away to prevent any sort of diarrhea. Once that's done. eat and drink all day long consuming lots of carbs, starchy white carbs like pancakes waffles pastas are great. get some sugars, poptarts and what not. for every 7 pounds you cut get 2 pounds of food and 5 pounds of water in you. avoid caffeinated drinks. Eat and eat and eat and drink, you will not be comfortable today. But you will get your weight back up for the meet the next day. There you have it. done.

Not recommending you do any of this, this is obviously dangerous and I am not responsible if you fucking kill yourself trying this shit. Don't be dumb. Don't cut weight. You aren't breaking world records. Just eat and lift dude.

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