Does working WORSEN anyone else's illness?

Working definitely makes me worse. Recently started a new job after a long spell of only picking up the odd work here and there. I had forgotten the hell that retail can unleash on my brain. I do not handle well the stress of a crowded, pressurized work environment. Most simply it manifests as sensory overload — next phase is the intensifying of my hallucinations. Things get loud, and weird thoughts creep in. What I know to be delusions begin to seem less and less like delusions and more like wisdoms. The fear edges its way back in. I don't take well to it at all. As the hours add up, my mental state steeply declines. It also makes the side effects of medication much more difficult to handle. The sedation and fogginess makes it seemingly impossible to communicate and operate up to the standard set by my coworkers. Most days I feel like I am trying to run underwater.

/r/schizophrenia Thread