Does the your parents failed marriages alter how you see marriage?

Yes. My mother cheated on my dad and left when I was a child. We were immigrants and she came a year before my dad. She became pregnant the year she was here in the US. She lied about my dad being abusive because she was hiding her pregnancy at the time and was trying to stop my dad and I from coming to the US after she was the one that helped put the paperwork through. She never gave my child any child support. She never babysat me. She never really did anything for me. I haven't had contact with her in 25 years. She lives in the same city as me. My step-sibling went to the exact same high school as me and I didn't know until Senior year. That didn't go anywhere either. I wanted to get married and have children but every relationship has been bad because of the damage this did to me a long time ago. It changed the dynamic on what I need in a relationship. At this point I know unconditional love does not exist aside from my dad and never will aside if I ever have children. I would love to have a child but not be in a relationship at all. I thought about fostering. I do want relationships, intimacy, etc but I realized it's not where my happiness is.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread