it's doesn't matter what kind of game you play to be a real gamer

Hi. You just posted in LGBdroptheT, and I was curious who you were, but I do have a question, here:

What did you mean by your feminism example? Did you MEAN to say "a feminist who only advocates for HERSELF is not an advocate"?

If so, I agree, but I can see why the other person was confused: it was not clear.

If you meant that "feminists who only advocate for women are not feminists"...then...bye.

That logic is precisely why Transgender people are over-running the LGB and feminist communities. No. Feminism is for women. If we just blur out the meaning of the word to include LITERALLY EVERYONE, then BORN-women's issues will be ignored and down-played, just like they were before.

So...I hope you meant the first one.

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