Donald Trump holds press conference amid Russia allegations - live updates

Instead of addressing a clearly complicated issue on his own, he has someone handle it for him, in a way that was so long and complicated most of his followers will just assume he's doing the right thing, due to lack of comprehension.

Was it really that complicated? Obviously the legalese is complicated, but the structure and concept they're proposing are pretty straightforward. Here are the cliffs notes if you thought her presentation was too hard to follow:

  • He will transfer management of the company to his sons.
  • He will receive limited high financial statements but will have no access to any internal financial workings of the company.
  • There will be no foreign deals made while he is President.
  • There will be a new Ethics position created that has oversight on any new potential US deals. This individual will need to review new projects for potential conflicts of interest and his signature is required to move forward on them.
  • While they do not believe rental properties/hotel rooms count as emoluments, they will donate all profits from foreign rentals back to the US Treasury.

I mean, forcing his family to sell the company they built was obviously never going to happen. What are your specific problems with the plan the lawyer laid out?

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