Donald Trump Supporters Are Failing To Accept Reality Over Mueller's Report, John Brennan's Spokesman Says

In his e - mail to me Rob suggest ed t hat 24 someone had offic ial documents and information tha t 25 wo uld inc riminate Hilla r y Clinton a nd her dealings 16 1 with Russi a and that the i n f o r ma tio n woul d be very 2 useful to the campai gn . I was somewhat skeptical 3 of his outreach as I had only know Rob as Emin's 4 somewhat col orful music promoter who h ad wo r ked 5 with famous pop singers such as Mi c hael Jackson. 6 Since I had no addit ional information to validate 7 wh at Rob was s aying I did not quite kn ow what to 8 make of his e-mail. I had no way to gauge the 9 reliability, credibility, or accuracy of a ny of the 10 things that he was saying . 11 As it later turned out , my skeptic ism was 12 justified. Th e meeting provided no meaningful 13 info rmation and turned out to be no t about what was 14 represented. The meeting was instead primarily 15 focused on Russian adoptions, which i s exactly what 1 6 I said over a year later in my s t ateme nt of July 8 , 17 2017 . 18 Nonetheless, at the time I thought I 19 sho uld listen to what Rob and his colleagues had to 20 say. To the ext e nt that they had information 21 conc erning the fitness, character, or 22 qualifi cation s of any p r esidential candidate , I 23 believed that I should at least hear them out. 24 Depe nding on what , if any, information t hat t hey 25 had, I could t hen consult wit h counsel t o make a n 1 info rmed decis i on as t o whether t o g i ve it any 2 furt her consi derati on . I a l so n o te a t t hi s time 3 there was no focus on Russian act ivit ies that t here 4 i s t oda y . 5 I n responding to Rob ' s e - mail I wrote back 6 and suggest ed that perhaps I speak to Emin first . 7 As much as some have made o f the phrase "I l ove 8 it," i t was simply a col loquial way of s ayi ng t hat 9 I appreciat ed Rob ' s gesture. Th ree days l a t e r on 10 J une 6th Rob contacted me agai n about scheduling a 11 t i me for a call with Emi n . My phone records show 1 2 three very s ho rt phone calls bet wee n Emin a nd me on 13 14 15 J une 6th and 7th . I do not recall speaking with Emi n . It' s possi bl e we l e ft each o ther voi cemails messages . I s i mply don 't remember.

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